Regular Meeting of
The Marion Park District
Board of Commissioners
January 23, 2018
7:00 p.m.
Boys Scout Cabin
Regular Meeting Minutes
1. Call to Order
The regular meeting called to order by Vice President Gardiner at 7:05 p.m. with the
following Commissioners present:
Commissioner Gardiner
Commissioner Sheffler
Commissioner McReynolds
Commissioner Gott was absent with an approximate arrival time of 7:30 p.m. per Commissioner Gardiner
2. Open Forum
No one from the public was in attendance at this time.
3. Approval of January 23, 2018 Agenda
Commissioner McReynolds made a motion at 7:06 p.m.; seconded by Commissioner Sheffler to approve the January 23, 2018 agenda. Roll called. Motion carried with unanimous vote.
4. Approval of Regular Meeting Minutes: December 28, 2017
Commissioner McReynolds made a motion at 7:07 p.m.; seconded by Commissioner Sheffler to approve the December 28, 2017 minutes. Roll called. Motion carried with unanimous vote.
5. Approval of December 2017 Financial Report
Commissioner Gardiner asked Director Reed if he had anything to add regarding the financial reports. Director Reed stated that he believes the Park District is as strong or stronger as last month.
Commissioner Sheffler made a motion at 7:16 p.m.; seconded by Commissioner McReynolds to approve the December 2017 Financial Report. Roll called. Motion carried with unanimous vote.
Commissioner Gardiner skipped the Department Reports and onto the Commissioner Reports.
7. Commissioner Reports
Commissioner Gardiner asked if any Commissioner had anything they wanted to discuss.
Commissioner Sheffler stated nothing at this time, Commissioner McReynolds stated nothing at this time, and Commissioner Gardiner had nothing to add.
Commissioner Gardiner asked if there was a need for Executive Session with Director Reed stating yes but the Department Reports were skipped.
Commissioner Gardiner asks Director Reed to update the Commissioners on the reports.
6. Department Reports
a. Administration
b. Park Services
Director Reed advised the Commissioners on several items on the report, which included a check for the Personal Property Replacement Tax for the month of December and receiving a FOIA request from Ben Silver with the Citizen Advocacy Center requesting job descriptions and number of full time employees. The Commissioners were updated on THE Bark Park. Director Reed adds that he attended the IAPD Soaring to New Heights conference in Chicago and attended several lectures, there are a few things that the Park District could improve on but it was a good conference. While at the conference Director Reed met with Renee Beard and Victoria Babb regarding the Inclusive Playground, specifically Prevailing Wage and the labor quote provided by Cunningham Recreation. Per Renee Beard, the labor quote will stand; this will potentially save the Park District about $25,000. Director Reed also spoke with John LaBanow with IPARKS and Robert Buhs, Executive Director with IPRF regarding the Park District. Director Reed advised the Commissioners of the draft of the design build for the tennis courts. This has been submitted to Jay Schafer and Brian Zeigler. President Gott has approved the purchase of a new Honda 4-wheeler, we will trade in the 2007 4-wheeler and receive $500.00 off of the new purchase. Director Reed added that he has spoken to Chris Blue regarding a tournament on Memorial Day at Ray Fosse Park and per the conversation last meeting; the Commissioners would like Director Reed to handle this without losing money on labor.
Director Reed hit highlights on the Park Service report and pictures were shown of some of the projects that have been completed, specifically the bridge at Pyramid Park and the teeter totters and the Inclusive Playground equipment that was received and is stored at CrispCon. Director Reed also showed the Commissioners the stone and rendering for the sign to be placed in Harrison Bruce Park. Park Service Technicians Steve Clendenin and Chad Gravatt attended spray training presented by the Illinois Department of Agriculture in Mt. Vernon, IL. Steve Clendenin will be the responsible person for chemical spraying, Matt Strobel was previously the responsible person but was unable to attend the training this year. Matt will have to be recertified next year. Commissioner Sheffler asked if on the rendering of the stone is there enough room for THE Bark Park logo. Director Reed states he can check with American Monument to see if there is room and if it can be added. Director Reed advised the Commissioners we are tracking the payroll savings of now offering compensation time and this past pay period we saved $212.00 and since the past three (3) months we have saved $1,300.00.
8. Executive Session pursuant to 5 ILCS 120/2(c) (2) of the Illinois Open Meetings Act (if requested):
a. Executive / Closed Minutes – Discussion of minutes of meeting lawfully closed under Illinois Open Meetings Act, whether for purposes of approval by the body of the minutes or semi-annual review of the minutes.
b. Personnel – To consider the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the public body or legal counsel for the public body, including hearing testimony or a complaint lodged against an employee of the public body or against legal counsel for the public body to determine its validity.
c. Real Estate – the acquisition or lease of real property or the selling or rental price of real estate.
Commissioner Sheffler made a motion at 7:32 p.m.; seconded by Commissioner Gardiner to approve going into Executive Session. Roll called. Motion carried with unanimous vote.
9. Reconvene to Open Session (possible actions following Executive Session)
Commissioner Gardiner made a motion at 8:15 p.m.; seconded by Commissioner Sheffler to approve reconvening into Open Session. Roll called. Motion carried with unanimous vote.
10. Old Business
a. Discuss / Approve prioritizing / finalizing the list of Capital Projects.
Director Reed advised that THE Bark Park has been completed, there will probably be some lot work done but that can go under other funds. THE Bark Park came in under budget. Director Reed advised that he has added two new items for consideration for the Capital Projects items # 21 and # 22. Item # 22 would be to update and upgrade the Board room for flooring. The proposed cost would include removing the carpet and tack strips and adding wood laminate floors and a three (3) day work project with a budget of $2,000. Commissioner Gott asks if this would be nicer than the Boy Scout Cabin hallway. Director Reed states yes and he wouldn’t want to update that flooring in the hallway at this time. Commissioner Gardiner added that he thinks the noise level would increase with wood / laminate flooring.
Director Reed moved to the next item that was added which is B.Y.O. Bags, which manufactures concrete Bag / Cornhole games. Director Reed would like to propose the Bags project instead of the Bocce Courts. Director Reed has included the proposed cost of the construction which would be approximately $12,768. Commissioner Gardiner stated that he liked the idea and thinks they could be incorporated into other parks. Commissioner Gott asks the Board if they would like to make any changes to the Capital Projects list and maybe remove item # 16, Bocce Courts. All Commissioners agreed to removed item # 16. Commissioner Gott asks the Board if they would like to move any other items with agreeance to move # 21 Bags / Cornhole up to item # 16. Commissioner Gott wanted to know if we received any break with a bulk purchase, with Director Reed replying he didn’t explore that but can ask. The Commissioners discussed how many Bags / Cornhole courts to put in each park and how many should be ordered. Director Reed will get with Chris Georgantas regarding marketing the Bags / Cornhole.
Commissioner Gott asks if there is anything else that needs to be updated on the Capital Project list. Director Reed asks if they wanted to do anything with the flooring, Commissioner Gott states that Director Reed could do this without approval and Director Reed states he would like to include under the Capital Projects. Commissioner Gott asked if we could get some samples of the flooring.
Commissioner Sheffler made a motion at 8:53 p.m.; seconded by Commissioner Gardiner to remove item # 16, Bocce Courts and move item # 21, Bags / Cornhole up to # 16. Roll called. Motion carried with unanimous vote.
11. New Business
a. Discuss / Approve advertising for bids for the renovation of the tennis courts at Russell Street Park.
Commissioner Sheffler made a motion at 8:54 p.m.; seconded by Commissioner McReynolds to approve advertising for bids for the renovation of the tennis courts at Russell Street Park. Roll called. Motion carried with unanimous vote.
b. Discuss / Approve Resolution 18 – 01, designation of OMA officers.
Commissioner Gott advised that this would allow Jack Reed and Kim Bauernfeind to be the designated OMA officers for the Park District.
Commissioner Gardiner made a motion at 8:55 p.m.; seconded by Commissioner Sheffler to approve Resolution 18 – 01, designation of OMA officers. Roll called. Motion carried with unanimous vote.
c. Discuss / Approve Resolution 18 – 02, designation of FOIA officers.
Commissioner Gott advised this would allow Jack Reed and Kim Bauernfeind to be designated FOIA officers for the Park District.
Commissioner Sheffler made a motion at 8:40 p.m.; seconded by Commissioner McReynolds to approve Resolution 18 – 02, designation of FOIA officers. Roll called. Motion carried with unanimous vote.
d. Discuss / Approve Ordinance 18 – 01, Surplus Personal Property.
Director Reed added there should be a correction on the Ordinance adding $500.00 valuation to the current 4-wheeler, he also added this will allow us to trade the 4-wheeler for the new 4-wheeler.
Commissioner Sheffler made a motion at 8:57 p.m.; seconded by Commissioner Gardiner to approve Ordinance 18 – 01, Surplus Personal Property. Roll called. Motion carried with unanimous vote.
e. Discuss / Approve the Renewal and Maturity Notice for the Marion Park District CD received by Peoples National Bank. All conditions still apply. Rates will be available January 29, 2018.
There was discussion from the Commissioners regarding finding better rates with other banks or money market accounts. Director Reed questioned how that would work if we used a different bank, right now it is very convenient for the accountant and no action is needed by him. Commissioner Sheffler wanted to know how much interest it is earning and if there was a different rate, how much more will be made. Commissioner McReynolds states he thinks it should be left alone with Commissioner Sheffler in agreeance.
Commissioner Sheffler made a motion at 9:08 p.m.; seconded by Commissioner Gardiner to approve the Renewal and Maturity Notice for the Marion Park District CD. Roll called. Motion carried with unanimous vote.
11. Next Meeting Date: February 27, 2018
Commissioner McReynolds will not be here for that meeting. Commissioner Gardiner asks when the next election for a new Commissioner will be with Commissioner Gott responding April 2019. Commissioner Gardiner would like to entertain appointing a Commissioner to fill the vacancy since that is a long time away. Commissioner Gott states that it can be discussed at the February meeting.
12. Adjournment
Commissioner Sheffler made a motion at 9:11 p.m.; seconded by Commissioner McReynolds to adjourn the Regular Meeting of the Marion Park District Board of Commissioners. Roll called. Motion carried with unanimous vote.
In accordance with the provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act, any individual who is in need of a reasonable accommodation in order to participate in or benefit from attendance at the public meeting of the Marion Park District Board of Commissioners should contact Jack Reed, Director