Tax Levy Hearing of
The Marion Park District
Board of Commissioners
November 27, 2018
6:30 p.m.
Boy Scout Cabin
Public Hearing to discuss the
2018 payable 2019 Tax Levy
1. Call to Order
The Public Hearing was called to order by President Gott for the 2018 payable 2019 Tax Levy at 6:34 p.m. with the following Commissioners present:
Commissioner Gardiner
Commissioner Sheffler
Commissioner McReynolds
Commissioner Welch
Commissioner Gott
2. Open Forum – 2018 payable 2019 Tax Levy
No one from the public was in attendance at this time.
3. Discussion of Ordinance 18-09 Tax Levy 2018 payable 2019
a. Kim Meyer CPA of Hudgens and Meyer CPA.
President Gott asked Kim Meyer if there are any items that need attention. Kim Meyer stated this is the annual tax levy hearing to levy the growth and CPI. The CPI is about 2.1% and this year’s tax levy will be 15% and will capture the growth and the TIF that will roll out this fiscal year. The 15% will not be obtained but needs to be levied at that percentage to capture future growth we will only see about 8 or 9 %. There was previous discussion of levying the 15% to capture the TIF 1 that will be rolling out and to do a gradual increase but if the Commissioners choose there can be a total increase the year the TIF rolls out. She advised the Commissioners that the Tax Levy is nearing the 1-million-dollar mark. Commissioner Gott mentioned that he has reviewed other areas within the county and they are only levying for 8% this year. Commissioner Sheffler asked when TIF 1 rolls out with Kim Meyer responding 2022 payable 2023. Kim advised that the EAV for TIF 1 is approximately 45 million dollars, but it will roll out at the valuation of 2022 / 2023. Commissioner Gardiner asked that the TIF’s that are rolling out have already had an extension and can’t have another with Kim replying is her understanding that the Crisp Container extension already had an extension and now has another. Commissioner Gott stated that he didn’t think there was a previous extension on the Crisp Container TIF, but he could be wrong since that is the one Senator Fowler and Representative Severin wanted everyone to sign off on. Commissioner McReynolds asked about the 15% what would we get with Kim replying about 4 to 5%. Commissioner McReynolds also asked what percentage the other districts will receive if only levying 8 or 9% with Kim replying they will still get the same 4 to 5 %. Kim stated that the percentage is based on CPI plus the growth. The County Clerk makes the determination of what percentage is received.
4. Adjournment
Commissioner Gardiner made a motion at 6:53 p.m.; seconded by Commissioner Sheffler to adjourn the Tax Levy Hearing. Roll called. Motion carried with unanimous vote.