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Regular Meeting of
The Marion Park District
Board of Commissioners
December 13, 2022
6:00 p.m.
Boy Scout Cabin

Regular Meeting Agenda

1. Call to Order

President Gott called the Regular Meeting of the Marion Park District to order at 6:04 p.m. with the following Commissioners present:

Commissioner Sheffler
Commissioner McReynolds
Commissioner Welch
Commissioner Gott

Commissioner Gardiner was absent from the meeting.

2. Open Forum

Steve and Lisa Medina were present at the meeting. Steve addressed the Commissioners with his concerns about placing a fence on the parkland at Harrison – Bruce Park behind his house on 1410 W. Goodall (behind the pavilion at the tennis courts). Mr. Medina states that he and Director Reed have had words in the past regarding happenings at the park and people using his yard as a restroom when the restrooms are closed at night. Director Reed read into the record his statement of issues he has had with Mr. Medina during his tenure and prior to Director Reed tenure. Director Reed had a survey done on the parkland and would like to construct a fence that would separate his property from the park. The Medina’s would prefer not to have a fence because they believe that will invite more people into their yard. Discussion was had regarding the survey and the property lines and what could be done instead of placing a fence.

3. Approval of December 13, 2022, Agenda

Commissioner Sheffler made a motion at 6:42 p.m.; seconded by Commissioner Welch to approve the December 13, 2022, agenda. Roll called. Motion carried with unanimous vote with those present.

Commissioner Gott moved to the financial report and Department Reports due to Director Reed needing to leave.

4. Approval of November 2022 Financial Report

Director Reed advised the Commissioners that at this time we are within our percentages for expenditures, and we are in good shape.

5. Department Reports
a. Administration
b. Park Services

Director Reed went over the reports highlighting the projects that Park Service employees have completed during the month and pictures were also shown to the Commissioners of all the projects completed.

6. Approval of Tax Levy Hearing Meeting Minutes: November 15, 2022

Commissioner McReynolds made a motion at 7:04 p.m.; seconded by Commissioner Sheffler to approve the Tax Levy Hearing Minutes from November 15, 2022. Roll called. Motion carried with unanimous vote with those present.

7. Approval of the Regular Meeting Minutes: November 15, 2022.

Commissioner McReynolds made a motion at 7:05 p.m.; seconded by Commissioner Welch to approve the November 15, 2022, Regular Meeting Minutes. Roll called. Motion carried with unanimous vote with those present.

8. Commissioners Reports

Commissioner Gott asked the other Commissioners if there was anything they would like to report. Commissioner Sheffler states that there has been good feedback regarding the lights and decorations in the parks. Commissioner McReynolds, Commissioner Welch and Commissioner Gott had nothing to report.

9. Executive Session pursuant to 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(2) of the Illinois Open Meetings Act (if requested):

a. Executive / Closed Minutes – Discussion of minutes of meetings lawfully closed under Illinois Open Meetings Act, whether for purposes of approval by the body of the minutes or semi-annual review of the minutes.
b. Personnel – To consider the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the public body or legal counsel for the public body, including hearing testimony or complaint lodged against an employee of the public body or against legal counsel for the public body to determine its validity.
Executive session was not visited during the December 2022 meeting.

10. Reconvene to Open Session (possible actions following Executive Session)
Commissioner Gardiner made a motion at 6:44 p.m.; seconded by Commissioner Welch to reconvene to Open Session. Roll called. Motion carried with unanimous vote with those present.

11. New Business

a. Discuss / Approve meeting dates for the fourth Tuesday of each month from January 2023 – December 2023, except for December 2023 due to the holiday.

January 24, 2023 July 25, 2023
February 28, 2023 August 22, 2023
March 28, 2023 September 26, 2023
April 25, 2023 October 24, 2023
May 23, 2023 November 28, 2023
June 27, 2023 December 19, 2023 (moved due to holiday)

Commissioner Welch made a motion at 7:08 p.m.; seconded by Commissioner Sheffler meeting dates proposed for the fourth Tuesday of each month from January 2023 – December 2023, except for December 2023 due to holiday. Roll called. Motion carried with unanimous vote with those present.

12. Next Meeting Date: January 24, 2023

13. Adjournment

Commissioner Welch made a motion at 7:10 p.m.; seconded by Commissioner McReynolds to adjourn the Regular Meeting of the Marion Park District. Roll called. Motion carried with unanimous vote with those present.

In accordance with the provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act, any individual who needs a reasonable accommodation to participate in or benefit from attendance at the public meeting of the Marion Park District Board of Commissioners should contact Jack Reed, Director at 618-993-3940.