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Organizational Meeting of
The Marion Park District
Board of Commissioners
April 27, 2021
6:00 p.m.

Boy Scout Cabin
CALL – IN #: (978) 990-5088
ACCESS CODE: 7011383

1. Call to Order / Roll Call

Commissioner Gott called the Organizational Meeting of the Marion Park District to order at 6:05 p.m. with the following Commissioners present:

Commissioner Gardiner
Commissioner Sheffler
Commissioner McReynolds
Commissioner Welch
Commissioner Gott

2. Board Approval of Abstract of Votes and Declaring the two (2) Duly Elected Officials to the Marion Park Board of Commissioners.

Commissioner Gott read the Abstract of Votes aloud to the Commissioners

a. Ashley Gott – 452 votes
b. Christopher “Sheff” Sheffler – 328 votes

3. Board Reorganization
a. Oath of New Commissioners

Administrative Assistant read the Oath of Office to the Commissioners with each Commissioner reciting their Oath.

b. Nomination and Election of Officers

Commissioner Sheffler nominated Commissioner Gott as President of the Board of Commissioners. Commissioner Gott asked for other nominations with none being heard. Commissioner Gott asked for a motion.

Commissioner Sheffler made a motion at 6:08 p.m.; seconded by Commissioner McReynolds to nominate Commissioner Gott as Board President. Roll called. Commissioner Gardiner – yay, Commissioner Sheffler – yay, Commissioner McReynolds – yay, Commissioner Welch – yay, Commissioner Gott abstained. Motion carried with a 4 – 0 – 1 vote.

Commissioner Sheffler nominated Commissioner McReynolds as Vice President of the Board of Commissioners. Commissioner Gott asked for other nominations with none being heard. Commissioner Gott asked for a motion.

Commissioner Sheffler made a motion at 6:09 p.m.; seconded by Commissioner Gardiner to nominate Commissioner McReynolds as Board Vice President. Roll called. Commissioner Gardiner – yay, Commissioner Sheffler – yay, Commissioner McReynolds – abstain, Commissioner Welch – yay, Commissioner Gott – yay. Motion carried with a 4 – 0 – 1 vote.

Commissioner McReynolds nominated Commissioner Sheffler as Secretary / Treasurer of the Board of Commissioners. Commissioner Gott asked for other nominations with none being heard. Commissioner Gott asked for a motion.

Commissioner McReynolds made a motion at 6:10 p.m.; seconded by Commissioner Gardiner to nominate Commissioner Sheffler as Board Secretary / Treasurer. Roll called. Commissioner Gardiner – yay, Commissioner Sheffler – abstain, Commissioner McReynolds – yay, Commissioner Welch – yay, Commissioner Gott – yay. Motion carried with a 4 – 0 – 1 vote.


4. Adjournment Sine Die

Commissioner Gardiner made a motion at 6:13 p.m.; seconded by Commissioner McReynolds to adjourn the Organizational Meeting of the Marion Park District. Roll called. Motion to table with unanimous vote.